Administration Directorate
This Directorate ensures that approved personnel policies in the Ministry on employment, personnel records, training, and wages and salaries administration are translated into good management practices and effectively carried out. This Directorate further ensures that services and facilities necessary to support...
Read MoreThis Directorate ensures that approved personnel policies in the Ministry on employment, personnel records, training, and wages and salaries administration are translated into good management practices and effectively carried out.
This Directorate further ensures that services and facilities necessary to support the administrative and other functions of the ministry are available. It also ensures the provision of an effective and efficient system for internal checks.
The units under this directorate include the following:
Personnel Unit
- The unit manages the files and records of staff in the ministry pertaining to recruitment, leave, promotion, salary issues, transfer, performance appraisal etc.
Records Management Unit
- It ensures that documents and information are properly stored to ensure confidentiality and easy accessibility
Transport Unit
- The unit is responsible for the proper management and provision of an efficient transport system of the Ministry
Estates Unit
- This unit provides advice on estate management issues and ensures that repairs and works on facilities and equipments are properly carried out in the Ministry
Security Unit
- The unit is responsible for ensuring the safety of all staff and property of the Ministry
Procurement Unit
- The unit is responsible for managing the procurement services and providing technical support on procurement processes for the Ministry
Stores Unit
- It ensures the proper storage of all goods procured and ensures that stocks are replaced on time at the Ministry
Finance Directorate
This Directorate ensures that there is proper financial management and its administration at the Ministry. This directorate also leads the administration of Treasury management and accounts preparation at the ministry. It also safeguards the interest of the Ministry in all financial...
Read MoreThis Directorate ensures that there is proper financial management and its administration at the Ministry. This directorate also leads the administration of Treasury management and accounts preparation at the ministry.
It also safeguards the interest of the Ministry in all financial transactions relating to revenue and expenditure. It further ensures the practice of proper and accountable administration .It also gives advice on all financial matters relating to the ministry.The directorate comprises of the following:
Accounts Unit:
- This unit liaises with the Ministry of Finance and the Accountant General’s Department to facilitate the release of funds and authorization for disbursement. It also leads in the preparation of the Annual Budget Estimates and attends Budget Hearings at the Ministry of Finance
Treasury Unit:
- Examines and verifies the authenticity and accuracy of payment vouchers before authorizing for payment.
Resource Mobilization Unit:
- The unit is responsible for facilitating the process for sourcing funds from donor partners and other stakeholders for implementing programmes and projects of the ministry
Human Resource Management and Development (HRMD)
This Directorate develops sector-wide policy on HR Planning, Succession Planning, Training and Development and Performance Management. It also ensures that there is in place an effective and stable management framework consistent with the overall manpower needs of the Sector. The directorate...
Read MoreThis Directorate develops sector-wide policy on HR Planning, Succession Planning, Training and Development and Performance Management. It also ensures that there is in place an effective and stable management framework consistent with the overall manpower needs of the Sector.
The directorate comprises the following units:
Sector HR Planning Unit:
- This Unit Initiates strategies and facilitates the career planning of staff of the Ministry. This involves regular deployment, secondments, postings, transfers, and development of Schemes of Service.
Sector Development &Training Unit:
- It initiates the review and development of career training policies and guidelines. It also collates the training needs identified through staff performance appraisal systems for implementation. The unit also ensures the promotion of staff based on approved requirements
Sector Performance Management Unit:
- The unit is responsible for developing the framework for institutional and staff performance management including staff appraisal and performance contracts/agreements
Policy, Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Eval
This Directorate leads the technical processes for the development of policies, plans, programmes and budgets of all activities of the Ministry. It caters for the design and application of monitoring and evaluation systems for purposes of assessing the operational effectiveness...
Read MoreThis Directorate leads the technical processes for the development of policies, plans, programmes and budgets of all activities of the Ministry. It caters for the design and application of monitoring and evaluation systems for purposes of assessing the operational effectiveness of the Ministry’s strategies and interventions.
The Directorate comprises the following units:
Policy Unit:
- The unit initiates and coordinates the broad sector policies of the Ministry
Planning and Programs Unit:
- The unit leads in the design and provision of plans based on a sound framework for the effective implementation of the Ministry’s planned programmes, projects and activities.
Budgeting Unit:
- The unit is responsible for preparing budget and the provision of technical guidance to Management on budgetary matters. The unit also keeps proper updates of all financial projects.
Monitoring and Evaluation Unit:
- The unit ensures the provision of an effective basis for measuring the various stages of programs and projects of the Ministry as well as providing an objective basis for assessing the effectiveness of its programs and projects.
Research, Statistics and Information Management
This Directorate conducts and commissions research, compiles and analyses data for the Ministry in particular and government as a whole. It serves as a stock for compiling all information pertaining to the Ministry in line with its activities and programmes,...
Read MoreThis Directorate conducts and commissions research, compiles and analyses data for the Ministry in particular and government as a whole. It serves as a stock for compiling all information pertaining to the Ministry in line with its activities and programmes, thereby maintaining a data bank for effective and efficient decision-making.
This Directorate also projects the good image of the Sector both within and outside the country by disseminating information on the Ministry policies, activities and procedures as well as providing a mechanism for receiving feedback on Government’s policies and activities.
The directorate is composed of the following units:
Research and Statistics Unit:
- It Conducts research into the activities of the Ministry. It also ensures that requisite data is available for decision-making.
Library and Documentation Unit:
- The unit is responsible for the Library and collating required data to create a database for the Ministry Information Technology/ Information Management Unit:
- It Initiates and maintains information technology network and infrastructure for the Ministry. It also develops supports and integrates new technologies into the operations of the Ministry
International Desk:
- Coordinates the organisation of sensitisation and education of the public (by the various departments) on international protocols and conventions which guide the ministries work
- Assists / Support the various depaetment in their reporting on the status of implementation of various international protocols and conventions
Social Protection Directorate (SP)
This directorate is responsible for the harmonization of Social protection Interventions in the country both publicly and privately. The Directorate is composed of the following units are:
Programmes Development and Coordination Unit:
- This unit Coordinates social protection policies and programmes of sector... Read More
This directorate is responsible for the harmonization of Social protection Interventions in the country both publicly and privately.
The Directorate is composed of the following units are:
Programmes Development and Coordination Unit:
- This unit Coordinates social protection policies and programmes of sector Ministries and Agencies. It also leads in the development of national integrated programmes on Social Intervention activities.
Inspectorate and regulation Unit:
- It ensures the development and review of legislative framework and also oversees the implementation of the various social protection legislations across sector Ministries and Agencies.